The Archi-Arts Gala is an event held annually in the Rice School of Architecture which invites the entire campus community to enjoy student art and performances in warm company. Each year, a design charrette determines the students who work on an installation for the party. For the 2020 Archi-Arts, themed "Duo," Jared worked with Neha Singh and Juhi Parikh to produce their installation, "Every Action."
Every action has an equal but opposite reaction. This describes a universal code by which all activities occur in equal and opposite duos. 
Using an angled pulley and rope system affixed to a dual mesh suspension, this installation in the Jury Room provides a visual and aural demonstration of the concept of duality. The audience is given the choice of being a viewer, listener, and/or actor. As an actor pulls down one rope, their force lowers the direct overhanging mesh, rings the bell, heightens the mesh at the corresponding rope connected to the same two pulleys, and rings the corresponding bell. As this continues throughout the various ropes in the room, the audience observes each distinct action-reaction duo in its creation of a different form and sound. In finding the specific pairs of ropes and bells, the audience confronts the role that each duo plays in its larger network. “Every action” speaks to the reality that a specific duo can be temporary, whether in location, intensity, or effect, but the occurrence of duos is permanent.
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